The Game Face Company
Now here is a cool invention that I picked up on Twitter that might be going on the Shark Tank Show. Whether or not they make it on the Shark Tank, it's still a super cool invention that has a lot of potential.The Game Face is a full facial temporary tattoo without all the messy paint. It's basically a full face temporary transfer that's easily applied and taken off. Unlike a painted face or an uncomfortable mask, the Game Face does not make you sweat or obstruct your view. It's a perfect game face for just about any occasion, every time!
One of my first questions was how easy is it to apply? and how easy is the game face to take off?
As complicated as it may seem, it looks like it's really easy to put any of the designs on in just a few minutes. All Game Face Designs are made from FDA approved vegetable dyes and the adhesive is like a big band-aid. OUCH! It's not as bad as you think. With a little warm water and soap, your Game Face will come off in no time. Another neat feature is the one size fits all design. You simply measure the Game Face to your own and cut it out to the right dimensions.

So who would wear a Game Face?
This is really where this company shines. They have taken their original invention and now offer the Game Face in several different designs covering many categories. You can now order The Sports Face, the Costume Face, the Flag Face and my personal favorite, the Camo Face. If you have ever been in the Military or have done any bow hunting and needed to paint your face, this invention will save you a lot of time with a perfect camo face every time. You can even design your own custom face in just about any design imaginable.

Visit The Game Face Company Here
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